Renzo j’s music is full of human emotion and stories of real life. Here are his words…

The Feeling of You

The Feeling of You, is about just that! That special moment in time when you and the one you love were free of life’s big challenges, and your world was so carefree. Everything you did together was so darn exciting, and filled with laughter and intrigue. Friends and family could see the magical connection you both had together. Ah, it was a beautiful world indeed! Do you Remember? I do remember, The feeling of you…

Times Like This

It’s funny when I think back on my younger, wilder, care-free days and how I had no worries, no fear, and pretty much no cash. I wonder how we all survived, but we did. Living day to day, paycheck to paycheck, just enough for rent, a little food, a few beers, and the other necessities. Life was grand! The fun was totally non-stop. Love was in the air, always. It seemed like every time I fell in love, which was often, that this one could be the one. I wonder today if that feeling was mutual, or ‘was it just a thing, was it just a fling, or was I just a foolish little boy, in love once again…

A Little Bit of Somethin’

is about coming home to the one you love after a long dusty trip on the road. The anticipation is on ‘High’, and the mood is one of happiness, excitement, and the knowing that your love is right around the corner, and with the same intensity. You finally get in reach and enjoy the path it takes you on. Your little town, the beach, the sand, all those happy people walking hand in hand. You know the love is close and you are ready for, a little bit of lovin, a little bit of huggin, a little bit of kissin, and ‘a little bit of somethin’….oh yeah, a little bit of somethin’.

Lookin’ at Midnight

is a snapshot of the days gone by. Remembering family, friends and those happy, but crazy times in the past. You realize life ain’t so bad where you are now. You’ve lived a full life and are prepared for the life’s Sun to set, thus with a positive outlook, you are ‘Lookin’ at Midnight’ !

Miles Above Myself

is truly about, Anyone and Everyone that knows what it’s like to work long and hard, day after day, week after week, just to get a day or two off. Coming home after working so hard is such a pleasure. Such a relief, such a reprieve from that crazy world. To escape and relax is the ultimate goal, if you are lucky enough to find that special moment. I did whatever it took to find that peace, that balance, that favorite patio chair. My body and mind were exhausted, so I would sit, close my eyes, and zoom right out of my body to the sky. The things I saw and felt were amazing and so beautiful. I was at peace once again, never wanting that feeling to end. It was so clean, and so clear, with absolutely no fear. Whether it was my imagination or a spiritual gift, I found that awesome peace! I was Miles Above Myself…and you can be too, everyday…this song is for you!

There’s Something in the Air

…was just a feeling I had in 2019 that something big was coming. I couldn’t put my finger on what it was, but I knew, and told my family ‘a change was a comin’. I felt like I had to get it out of my mind, so I wrote this tune. It’s really just about a normal day to day life with a cloud, or something looming above, ready to burst. I didn’t know if it was good or bad, I just new that there was, ‘something in the air!

Every Time I Turn Around

…is a snapshot of the day I left my hometown of Buffalo, New York at 19 years old in April of 74’. It was still cold, and snow still on the driveway. My Mom, and girlfriend (at the time) we’re seeing me off to visit my sisters in southern California. I saw an ad in the paper to share gas and driving to the LA area, with 2 guys I never met before that date. My mom looked worried… I was ready to escape. I made it to beautiful sunny 90-degree weather in Orange County, Ca. and didn’t return for many years. Leaving my parents, my gal, my car, and my life behind, all  eventually ended well, but the memory I had of them ‘standing in the driveway, weighs heavy on my mind’!

Fun in the Sun

…comes from that feeling we all get when we are enjoying a warm sunny summer day to the fullest. If you’ve had the pleasure of being in love and in the sun, you are one happy soul. The whole world seems perfect. The night approaches, and the dancing, the smooching, and the loving is just what you need. Tomorrow we wake up, smile and do it all over again…’nothings gonna ruin this ole day, nothings gonna break us away’.

She Was Good to Me

…is a ‘gut wrencher I had when my wife was diagnosed with cancer. Those months of the unknown were taking a toll on both of us. She eventually beat the odds and is now cancer free, happy as a clam, and as beautiful as ever. I was forced to think of life without my best friend. Our spirituality pulled us through that terrible time. For those who lost a loved one and remember the wonderful memories, this song is for you!

Better and Better

…is a story about anyone that has ever met that special someone, that had a profound effect on their life. There are so many great people in the world, what are the chances that you get to have them in your life, and then when you do, things just keep on getting better and better. You want to thank the universe for letting you see, hear, and love like never before and ‘it keeps on getting Better and Better’ ...I love you babe!

Up All Night

was so easy to write, and the music just came to me. More of a social comment on life in our world, except, after going through pages and years of my lyrics, this one jumped out at me. I remember writing these lyrics in 1987 after watching the evening news, waking up that next morning and reading the same headlines in the local newspaper. So, to my surprise, I had my own private time capsule that was so totally relevant today. I actually had no choice but, to record this crazy piece of history that still rings true today. We can change the world, I know this for a fact, because it keeps me ‘Up All Night.